
Jumat, 02 Juli 2021

Update Kehidupan


Astaga terakhir nulis disini tuh gue masih mahasiswa semester 4, sekarang udah jadi budak korporat HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Dulu masih jomblo, alhamdulillah sampe sekarang pun masih jomblo h3h3.

So, how does it feel to be an adult?

Asli, you guys yang masih bocah, yang suka ngomel2 dan ngeluh gara2 tugas sekolah dan kampus. BERSYUKURLAH, NIKMATILAH MUMPUNG KALIAN MASIH ADA DI MASA ITU. GAK USAH SOK-SOKAN MAU CEPET2 KERJA. Tok pikir golek duek ki penak po :)

YaAllah. Jenni 19 tahun sama Jenni 23 tahun kenapa bacotannya masih sama aja gak mutunya

Jumat, 10 Februari 2017

12:14 a.m.

Hello I'm writing this at 12:14 a.m. It could be that unimportant but let me tell you this.

I'm currently crazy of this one drama and have this post-drama syndrome because. DAMN ITS SO BEAUTIFUL I'M CRYING A RIVER SOMEBODY PLEASE GET ME OUT OF THIS STATE. The plot.....well.....it's just so beautiful and I just love how the cast could bring out their character so beautifully that it feels so real I'm giving a buck of applause for kim junmyeon because why not.

OH AND THE OST well hm as a big fan of ballad song. It's a must-add-to-playlist because it's just too good and the instrumental tho IT'S THAT BEAUTIFUL that I need to remind myself that I had replayed it for like 10 times I guess? I'm not a pro in judging musics (?) so I can't really explain about it but all I knew I feel like my emotion was drowning deep along the music nah I start talking trash-grammars if you would excuse me 

For whoever read this post, you probably can give it a try. At least the OST because here you go:

Rabu, 19 Oktober 2016


Super hectic semester. Literally really super hectic semester. Two months and half into lecturing activities, D-5 to midterm exam, and I don't think that I've breathed in my most comfortable way for these past months. Task here and there. Reports here and there. Modyar gak.
Terus sok selonya nulis blog padahal laporan Statistika Industri waiting to be collected in 2 days. UTS in few days belum belajar apa-apa. Laporan praktikum super numpuk dan mau gak mau harus dikerjain bec habis UTS langsung dikumpulin that they don't give us time to do it in peace. And big project nukang. Aku rapopo.

But talking about the good things in October, sure it's my fave month for the whole year. Receiving gifts. And loves. And surprises. Kayak bocah-bocah di bawah ini I was really clueless that I don't even remember two of my SI2 classmates suddenly fled after class. And when I got to my car, look at what I found :) mana itu lem-leman post it masih nempel di mobil HAHAHAHA untung sayang (and fortunately my dad didn't say anything nor get mad about it at least I'm safe lol). Tell me how to not love them <3 33333="" div="">

Udah ah I'm supposed to make an introduction for my report but tired as heccccccc udah gabisa mikir untung gak capek napas (e) (jangan)

So bye for now!

Selasa, 20 September 2016


12 September 2016.
Iya sekarang di Korea tanggal 12 September jam 12 malam. Kalo di Indo masih tanggal 20 September jam 10 malam. Dan masih hectic gara-gara daftar ulang praktikum Prosman, tugas SI2, sama persiapan praktikum FPK tapi sempet-sempetnya bikin post ini. Ini baru sok selo.

Kayaknya baru aja kemarin rilis Best Luck kok tau-tau sekarang udah rilis tiga OST.
Kayaknya baru aja kemarin kena flu gara-gara promosi both in Korea and China tau-tau sekarang udah sembuh aja bintitannya. (INI KENAPA GAK ENAK BANGET SIH) (#nohate #nobash)
Kayaknya baru aja kemarin liat  rambutnya super pendek sekarang super gondrong sampe dibelah kemana-mana y gpp.
Dan kayaknya-kayaknya lainnya masih banyak banget.

25 tahun. Umur Korea. Aslinya 24. Sok tua emang. Tapi makin tua makin gemesin.

Happy birthday to you, our dear singer. Thank you for letting us hear your beautiful voice. Thank you for letting us see your beautiful mind. Thank you for making me not regret being your fan. And still looking forward both your small project and big project (i.e. another OSTs and solo album because YEAH WHO DON'T).

And, yeah. Here we are. Gak tau mau nulis apa lagi. Pokoknya gemes sama jongdae. Gemes. Banget. Bye.

I love you


Just can't not attach this cute video of Daeul together with Jongdae. Ngomelnya Daeul dan ketawanya Jongdae. W pengshan.

Senin, 01 Februari 2016

Sarap Ngumpul!!!!!!

Last week, when mamih was coming to Jogja.
Love them so muchxxxxxxx

Kamis, 26 November 2015

1 Day Remaining

Hellaw! So its November, 27th and.......happy birthday park chanyeoooool!!! Ganteng2 bego.
So, its 1 day remaining in Rusunawa, PLEASE MAKE TOMORROW COME SOONER. Apasih.
I'm sleepy and bored like he.ll. BY I'M SIGNING OFF TO NAP NOW SEE YAAAAA


Jumat, 20 November 2015


20 November 2015.
I'm so bored. Really.
I have to wake up tomorrow, SO EARLY, and drive my bro to his school at 5.45 a.m. and have to arrive at campus before 7 a.m. My life.
So yeah, there will be an event at my campus, especially my prodi (PLEASE EXCUSE MY ENGLISH I FORGOT HOW TO SAY PRODI IN ENGLISH), and i hope it will be fun.
I wish this whole week (until next Saturday) will be going smoothly, and I wish I won't use my precious time for nothing. I'M SO READY FOR MOCKINGJAY PART 2, YOHOOOOO THE MOST AWAITED MOVIE IN THIS CENTURY (gak gitu juga). Featuring my 2 bego-begoan-friends 🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒

P.s. Pardon my english, drunk girl ober here (?)